The World is Wide, Airline Seats Are Not: Unsolicited Advice

Every great journey starts somewhere if you want more... time to think... take a 20-hour bus ride. (Beni, Bolivia)

This is a Bolivian bus bathroom. Do not use it. The mosquitos do too. (Beni, Bolivia)

Make friends. How else will you feel at home in a strange city? (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

There are many great places to spend Christmas. This is not one of them. 
(São Paolo Airport, Brazil)

Thinking is good, don't do it too much. (Copacabana Beach, Brazil)

Just look out the window every once in a while.
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The sunset is probably worth it. Go see it.
(Copacabana Beach, Brazil)

Do the touristy stuff too sometimes.
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Know how to navigate the subway. You can sit in the perfect grass and play with puppies 
while your friends get lost. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Wear white on New Year's Eve. The burger is optional.
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Do not backpack South America if you want a consistent sleep schedule. (Iguazú Falls Airport, Argentina)

Go to the Brazil side of the falls first. 
(Iguazú Falls, Argentina)

Bring a raincoat. It's called the rainforest for a reason. (Iguazú Falls, Argentina)

Anyone can charter a plane if they try hard enough. (Puerto Montt, Chile)

Go to Patagonia. Brag about having gone to Patagonia. (Châiten, Chile, Patagonia)

Not all volcanos are oozing lava. Don't be too disappointed. (Châiten, Chile)

Always. always bring snacks. (Michinmihuida Glacier, Chile)

If the ranger says it's a long hike, just believe them, they're probably right. (Michinmihuida Glacier, Chile)

Keep your currencies straight. (Hornopiren, Chile)

Don't play around with the altitude in La Paz. Go buy some flowers though. (La Paz, Bolivia)

Choose your travel buddies carefully. They might be your last straws. (Bolivia SMs)


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