My life right now is occupied by small things. Of course, the most obvious small things occupying a huge space in my heart and life are these kids. However, there is a general feeling of my life being broken down into smaller pieces and yet becoming fuller. Every day is full of little things. My house is always replete with tiny insects. My hands seem to constantly be holding smaller ones. My vocabulary is made up of little words. And my days are filled with small moments. It’s crazy how moments so small can fill a life so full. I keep a journal to remember my time here, using bullet points to organize the things that happen. Daily, as I write out the points, they seem so little. I often wonder that they add up to a full afternoon’s worth of activity: swept my classroom for the umpteenth time, taught the difference between centi-, mili-, and just plain meters, read 5 pages with Milenca, made supper again, picked naranjas with Mariana, prayed with the girls before bed, and...